Nuestro impacto

In keeping with CEATembembe's continuing commitment to generate knowledge from practice, we produce innovative, practical tools, manuals, resources and training curricula to multiply the impact of our learning processes.

Participation and distinctions

The Tembembe Center of Afromexican Studies has been recognized in many national and international spaces with common objectives and shared cultural values. Owing to vivencies, we reach a highlight position in afomexican movement. On the other hand, our labour has been strengthened across global experiences which contributes to amplifying our local impact.

Afro education

We create and promote inclusive and enriching learning spaces for the community. Through workshops, talks and educational programs aimed at the reconstruction of historical memory for adults, youth and Afrodescendant children. We have built these spaces with the application of different pedagogical actions built by the members of the organization


Our training and workshops are aimed at all generational groups, as we know the importance of promoting spaces for identity recognition both in childhood and in other groups that seek to share their experiences and strengthen their knowledge about Afro-descendants.

Public policies

We actively work with government institutions and civil society organizations to influence the creation and implementation of inclusive policies that guarantee the rights of people of Africandescent. We are committed to the fight against structural racism by appearing in the spaces where our voices were previously muffled

Educational material

At CEATenbembe we have designed, written and published different educational resources around Afro-descendants. This material is especially aimed at those who are looking for tools to broaden their educational and cultural horizons with an Afro-centered and inclusive perspective.

Afrocentric Art

Tembembe also is artivism. One of our must strengths is the development of a etnoeducation rooted in artistic transformative methodologies. We have specialized work with children to mind the intergenerational bridges. We trust in the art as a way to health and understand the wounds of racism.

Afro Youth

Here and now. The afromexican youths actively participated in spaces of take of decisions to ensure that gender, youth and antiracism approaches are taken into account in the design and execution of public policies. We position ourselves in front of gender violence and adult centric from a peace culture.

Afro diversities

We recognize and celebrate sexual diversity, gender, neurodiversity, disability and cultural expression of any individual or group. We work to create safe spaces, free of discrimination and prejudice, where Afro-diverse people can share experiences and be visible without any type of prejudice or discrimination.

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