¿Quiénes somos?
A unique Study Center in Mexico

The CEATembembe began in the needfulness to link the diversity of experiences of Black Mexican community, so we have established alliances with other institutions, organizations and community leaders, with whom it has been possible to build the experience of the Center of Afromexican Studies.
Our community is a safe space


Work networks

Regional collaborations
Our history

The Tembembe Center of Afromexican Studies was established in 2017 in the Mexican state of Morelos thanks to a youth Afrodescendant group who had the same aim of emphasizing the importance of our identities through the strengthening of personal processes and capacitation. Later, it was consolidated into a project with an educative and artistic approach and a space was configured to lead a collective movement in favor of Afromexicanity.
Our organization has carried out various collaborative actions related to the constitutional federal recognition of the Afrodescendant communities in Mexico, the state recognition in the electoral bodies and the registration of the Afrodescendant community. In addition, our organization has asesorate and collaborate with national and international institutions such as: the National Human Rights Commission, the National Electoral Institute, the Ministry of the Interior, the United Nations Population Fund and the UN, among others at the educational level such as the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education and the World Campaign for Education.

To preserve, research and spread the historical Black, Afro Mexican and Afrodescendant memory for the collective development of the Afromexican population, producing Afro Centered educational spaces where self recognition is promoted through an inclusive and intersectional perspective.

To establish a physical space for an educational center that provides an ideal environment to offer a wide repertoire of quality educational services for the collective and integral development of the Afromexican population.

Specialized practices
The CEATembembe began in the needfulness to link the diversity of experiences of Black Mexican community, so we have established alliances with other institutions, organizations and community leaders, with whom it has been possible to build the experience of the Center of Afromexican Studies.
Key Ideas

Afrocentric and intersectional perspective
To influence how other development actors think about and practice antiracism education work, CEATembembe acts as a key thought leader, capturing learnings from practice, sharing insights and analyzing all the theoretical pedagogy addressed in the recognition of black thought. This contributes to shaping the thinking and practices among human rights and education.

We are specialists in communitarian intervention with an antiracist perspective. We build a collective young leadership and childhood empowerment providing learning experiences through the promotion of their cultural rights.

Historical Memory
We collect stories about Black presence in Mexico. Provides safe spaces to acompaniament autoadscription and racial violence process, granting individual healing to rebuild symbolic reparations. Against the silenced memories: all our voices!
We work for the recognition of the community
Our organization has carried out various collaborative actions related to the constitutional federal recognition of the Afrodescendant communities in Mexico, the state recognition in the electoral bodies and the registration of the Afrodescendant community. In addition, our organization has asesorate and collaborate with national and international institutions such as: the National Human Rights Commission, the National Electoral Institute, the Ministry of the Interior, the United Nations Population Fund and the UN, among others at the educational level such as the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education and the World Campaign for Education.