Ale Arteaga García

Afroindigenous, urbanized woman who was born in Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico: granddaughter of Sarah Carrillo Rivera, Irene Romero Arreguín, Emilio García López y Juan Arteaga Hernández. Maroon in de-construction from the periphery east of Mexico City. Since 2019 she has been an activist for human rights of the racialized communities.

She has worked and collaborated in several academic projects and from community groups to question the racist, classist, patriarchal, xenophobic and hegemonic positions that currently prevail but have long been created in the collective imagination; in constant search of a dignified and libertarian social transformation. Recently graduated from the National School of Anthropology and History in the Ethnohistory career with the lifetime scholarship of her mother Alfa García Carrillo and unconditional family support.

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