To preserve, research and spread the historical Black, Afro Mexican and Afrodescendant memory for the collective development of the Afromexican population, producing Afro Centered educational spaces where self recognition is promoted through an inclusive and intersectional approach.
To establish a physical space for an educational center that provides an ideal environment to offer a wide repertoire of quality educational services for the collective and integral development of the Afromexican population.
Key Ideas
Afrocentric and intersectional perspective
Con el objetivo de influir en el pensamiento y la práctica en la forma en que otros actores de desarrollo piensan y practican la educación antirracista, el CEATembembe actúa como un líder de pensamiento al compartir experiencias desde la práctica y analizando las teorías pedagógicas con el reconocimiento del pensamiento negro. Esto influye en que las prácticas antirracistas sean pensadas a través de los derechos humanos y la educación.
We are specialists in communitarian intervention with an antiracist perspective. We build a collective young leadership and childhood empowerment providing learning experiences through the promotion of their cultural rights.
Historical Memory
Trabajamos por la recuperación de relatos en torno a la presencia Negra en México. Creamos espacios seguros para acompañar procesos de autoadscripción y violencia racial, procurando espacios de sanación individual para re-construir reparaciones simbólicas.Contra el silenciamiento estratégico: todas las voces.
Allied organizations
These are some allied organizations that have been committed to the work of the Center for Afromexican Studies Tembemebe. Much of our work has been possible due to the unconditional support of these entities.
Specialized practices
The CEATembembe began in the needfulness to link the diversity of experiences of Black Mexican community, so we have established alliances with other institutions, organizations and community leaders, with whom it has been possible to build the experience of the Center of Afromexican Studies.