Diálogos y propuestas para la prevención de la violencia hacia las infancias y juventudes afrodescendientes en México.

By: Alejandra Arteaga García

To respond the proposition of our youngest member, Sofía Donají Méndez, the Director of CEAT, Mtro. David Gómez Arriaga proposed the first effective dialogue between racialized childhood and youth against the violence that crossover their educative formation with afromexican legislators in the Republic Chamera of Senators and Deputies in the City of Mexico. 

He kept in touch with the deputy Sergio Pñaloza and senator Celeste Sánchez to get an adequate space for the dialogue from the last days of February 2023. During the First Presential Meet of The Tembembe Center of Afromexican Studies, celebrated in Tequesquitengo, Morelos, he received a positive answer from Senator Celeste Sánchez to announce that this dialogue will be on 12th April, so we had a bit of days to call youths and childs. 

Logramos reunir las voces de una niña de 12 años: Isaura Valentina García, residente de la Ciudad de México y descendiente de un pueblo afroindígena donde preservan la lengua amuzgo en el estado de Guerrero; y una jovencita de 14 años: Donají H. Méndez, oriunda del Estado de Oaxaca y miembro joven de la organización México Negro A.C. y del Centro Tembembe. Quienes elaboraron una serie de propuestas para frenar las diversas problemáticas que les atraviesan para exponer durante el diálogo a ser atendidas.

We supported them with some commentaries focusing on the importance of an antiracist education and scholar spaces free of discrimination. My partners, Rubí Guadalupe Castro, Ariadna Berenice Zárate Blancas and me, such as moderator roles. We intervened just to highlight their beautiful roles, so they wrote an amazing speech to share, with all of us, from their sentithink and personal experiences.

The knowledge made in the community was enriching to continue empowering our youngest participants, community work invites us to continue building on and for the education of racialized children and youth from our territory. Hand by hand of their expectations and needs, we are looking to walk together to follow working in the creation of safe places, free of racist violence, classism, patriarchal and adultocentric to reach equality, healthy, free and equality societies. Their lectures were successful, and immediately, the attendees were moved by their participation. All the expectations were exceeded and many problems were taken into account to be attend in short time, also it set the tone to future participations.  clasista, patriarcal, adultocentrista para que florezcan sociedades más inclusivas, sanas, libres y justas. 

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