Natalia is a researcher from the Valle del Cauca department in Colombia. She has a degree in Foreign Languages, where she excelled as a student in the field of social sciences, conducting research on ethno-education in Colombia within the research seedbed in Contextualized Pedagogy in Ethno-education at UCEVA. There, she designed the guide for teachers “Applying knowledge from the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies: from the transversally in areas of knowledge” (2018). She also participated as a speaker through the Colombian Network of Research Seedbeds in the XV, XVI and XVI events of the National and International Meeting of Research Seedbeds (2018 -2019) where she qualified with the same project.
She stood out as a speaker at the XI Social Sciences Seminar: “An Internal Vision of how to apply the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies (C.E.A) in the classroom” and at the XII Social Sciences seminar: “Pedagogical Exercise of the C.E.A” of the Unit Central Valley of Cauca. In addition, she belonged to the research project “Intercultural School for social empowerment” of the applied linguistics research group ILA in UCEVA; where she published the research result article: “Empirical Study: Cultural identities of the Afro-descendant community in an Educational Institution of the municipality of Tuluá - Valle del Cauca” in the book “Formative Research and its incidence in higher education Volume II”.
Currently, she is doing a master's degree in Pedagogy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in the field of knowledge of Education and Cultural Diversity and is a member of the Tembembe Center of Afromexican Studies.